Why a Registry?
The Mazdaspeed Miata or MSM as it is commonly referred to by enthusiasts, is celebrating it's twentieth anniversary this year. Although produced is small numbers the car has enjoyed an enthusiastic following since it's inception. The goal of the Registry is to educate, promote, and help others better understand this car and it's numerous features/qualities.
The Registry is different things to different people so it serves multiple purposes.
Here are some of the benefits to the Registry:
• Education of vehicle unique specifications to help recognize/identify
• Database of known cars leads to previously unknown facts/discoveries
• Historical information on the model, its variants and individual cars "every car has a story"
• Current Market values (Snapshot) of North American Market
• Buyers resource to correctly identify/verify the car and possible modifications
• Protects the bloodline of these unique vehicles from being diluted by imposters such the inevitable fakes/clones/rebuilds as values increase
• Blog (also published on Facebook) offers interesting facts, tidbits about the cars This blog is shared on over 25 Miata groups worldwide
Every effort has been made to ensure the information presented on this web site is as accurate as possible. Every VIN is verified individually against a multiple of sources including Mazda databases to determine/confirm information such as build dates, trim levels etc..
Any info you could provide on your own MSM (even if sold) or tips to spotted MSMs would be greatly appreciated.