MSM Worldwide Introductions
All MAZADSPEEDs were the left hand drive variant of this vehicle built exclusively for the North American market. The right hand drive variants were produced exclusively for either Japan (as the Roaster Turbo) or Australia (MX-5 SE). There were 15 Australian spec MX-5 SEs built that were imported new into New Zealand as the MX-5 Turbo and 6 USA spec MSMs imported into Puerto Rico.
A Press Release for the Mazda Roadster Turbo was issued for the first time at the Tokyo Auto Salon on October 27, 2003 and the car was officially introduced on December 24, 2003 as a limited production vehicle (only 350 units) available for sale starting in early February 2004.It may have been overshadowed a little by the IBUKI concept car which was a slightly customized version of the new NC platform which would be introduced for sale the following year.


Some unique features of the Roadster Turbo


すべてのRHD車 黒のプラスチックオイルフィラーキャップが付属
Colours available were:
Velocity Red, Titanium Grey, Pure White, Sunlight Silver and Grace Green

USA/North America
After briefly exhibiting at the Specialty Equipment Market Association Show ( SEMA) of November 2003, the car's North American debut as the MAZDASPEED was shown at the Los Angeles Auto Show in January 2004, going on sale in the spring of 2004. Four thousand three hundred units were to be built and sold through 310 MAZDASPEED Authorized Mazda Dealers.
The Canadian introduction of the MAZDASPEED took place at the Vancouver International Auto Show in February 2004

The Australian introduction of the MX-5 SE (Note: the word speed could not be used in the name of a car; the model therefore appeared under the name SE).